
Tecticx is a result-driven digital solution provider that helps build and empower brands, companies, and businesses through technique, technology, and transformation.
To be the biggest facilitator and partner for start-ups and small businesses in their pursuit of online presence and digital success in North America.
By understanding your digital challenges and objectives, at Tecticx, we aim to seamlessly integrate into your digital value chain to assist you in achieving success with your strategic business goals.

Who We Are

We are Tecticx, a combination of leading tech and tactical approaches we envision ourselves as an emerging top web development company in Toronto. We are known for our expertise in custom web design and development, and our role as a top web design agency and mobile app development company in Toronto.

What We Do

We provide custom digital solutions, including web app development and mobile app development, to help businesses navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape and achieve their strategic goals.

Why We Do It

Our passion lies in empowering companies to thrive by bridging the gap between people and technology, ensuring meaningful customer interactions, and fostering long-lasting partnerships.

Fahad Siddiqi


Heeba Fahad
Product/Project Manager
Sarah White

UX/UI Consultant

Sarah White

UX/UI Consultant

Saad Irfan
Saad Irfan
Hassam Khan
Sales Manager
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